Residential Services
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Day of Service: See Map
Bulk Day: Weekly
2024 Schedule
2025 Schedule
Informational Flyer
Garbage collection is every week. Please put personal 32-gallon or less garbage cart(s) out the night before your collection day; or by 7:00am the morning of pickup.
Only household garbage can be put in your garbage cart. Do not place any recyclables, brush/leaves, construction materials, demolition, electronics or hazardous materials in your cart.
Recycling is collected every week.
Mix it all together: Johns Disposal Service provides single stream recycling. All recyclable material can be mixed together. Johns Disposal’s recycle process system sorts all recyclable material.
Please place the following items in your RECYCLE CART:
Expanded Paper Recycling
- Cardboard (empty)
- Catalogs, magazines & phone books
- Cereal & cracker boxes (empty)
- Paper milk and juice cartons or boxes (Carton recycling FAQ or Click here for the Carton Council website)
- Computer & office paper
- Envelopes & junk mail
- Holiday gift wrapping paper (no foils)
- Newspapers
- Paper cups (no plastic lids or straws)
- Paper egg cartons
- Paper grocery bags
- Pizza boxes (no food or grease)
- Shredded paper (place in a clear or transparent plastic bag and tie shut; a full bag should be the size of a basketball)
Plastic Recycling
- All plastic bottles (no motor oils or gasoline)
- Plastic containers/cups #1-7, including #1 clamshell
Recyclable Metal & Glass
- Aerosol cans (empty)
- Aluminum cans & aluminum pie plates
- Glass bottles & jars (clear, blue, brown or green translucent glass)
- Metal pots & pans
- Small metal appliances (toasters, blenders, etc.) – nothing larger than a basketball
- Small metal plumbing fixtures, faucets, valves
- Tin & steel cans
Non-Recyclable Items
- Batteries
- Brake rotors/drums
- Construction Waste
- Deli containers – except #1 plastic
- Electronics
- Frozen food or microwave dinner plates
- Glassware & ceramics
- Metal items heavier than 10 pounds
- Mirrors & windows
- Motor oil & gasoline containers
- Plastic film, wrap & Styrofoam
- Propane tanks
- Recyclable containers containing liquids or food
- Misc.: Carpet, clothing, diapers, fishing line, food, hoses, ropes & shoes
Bulk Items
Your community’s program requires residents to call to schedule bulky item collections. Any items that do not fit in your garbage or recycling cart must be called into our office at 262-473-4700; or emailed into Our office hours are Monday – Friday from 8am-4:30pm and Saturday from 8am-noon. Bulk items are scheduled on service day.
You may schedule up to one bulk items collection per week.
Residents may substitute any one of their bulk items collections to have one qualified household electronic item collected, this substitution can happen once per year.
NOTICE: Most municipalities have an ordinance requiring that items not be placed at the curb sooner than 24-hours prior to your scheduled pickup. Please check your local code and do not have items out too early. We recommend that no items are placed at the curb prior to scheduling collection.
Bulk items include, but are not limited to:
- Furniture
- Carpeting (cut into 4 foot sections rolled and bundled together)
- Large cardboard boxes (emptied & flattened)
- Appliances, including those which contain freon
- Automotive batteries
- Tires (up to 2 per month / pickup, maximum 8 per year)
- Drain oil (must be sealed in 1-5 gallon containers, clearly marked USED OIL)
- Antifreeze (must be sealed in 1-5 gallon containers, clearly marked ANTIFREEZE)
- Larger items, such as hot tubs and pianos, must be cut up or disassembled with parts weighing no more than 50lbs.
- Paint cans (must be empty and dry OR filled with oil dry / kitty litter and completely dry)
- Construction materials (Must be contained in 32-gallon or smaller containers, weighing no more than 50 lbs, with any boards cut down to 4 ft. or smaller lengths)
*All items must weigh no more than 50 lbs and be easily manageable by one person.
Please do not place the following out for bulk:
- Yard waste
- Hazardous materials
- Electronics
- Appliances that contain freon
Leaf Disposal
- Purchase approved biodegradable paper bags and specially marked stickers with the Johns Disposal name.
- The cost is $1.00 per sticker and includes a leaf bag.
- Stickers and bags can be purchased at Village Hall.
- Bag Pickup
- A leaf crew from Johns Disposal will pick up the bags, not the garbage crew.
- Leaf bags are collected from September through November.
- Bags MUST be placed at the street end of your driveway prior to 7:00 AM on trash pickup day.
- Only approved stickers purchased from The Village, placed on biodegradable bags will be collected
Dumpster Rental Elm Grove
JOHNS Disposal provides temporary dumpster service to Elm Grove and the surrounding areas. We offer a wide range of sizes to accommodate your project ranging from 6 yards to 40 yards.
To order a temporary dumpster, please contact the office at 262-473-4700. Or, complete the dumpster request form online. Someone will get back to you promptly to review your order and process your payment.